Privacy statement

Version 1.0

This is the Privacy Statement of Starodub BV (Starodub). It explains how Starodub deals with  all personal data obtained from you as a customer, a supplier, an employer, a visitor of our locations, or obtained via  our website, or via offline requests for information, or contact requests.

We care about your personal data. This Privacy Statement describes the Starodub policy and practices regarding its collection and use of your personal data, and sets forth your privacy rights.

We recognize information privacy to be an ongoing responsibility, so from time to time, updates of this Privacy Statement might occur as we undertake new personal data practices or adopt new privacy ways of working with impact to our Data Privacy Policy.

The use of the Starodub website

As is true of most websites, the Starodub website does collect certain information automatically and store it in log files. We use this information to improve our site’s user friendliness and functionality that helps you to find the required information more easily. Some information will help us to diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website, analyze trends, track visitor movements, and gather broad demographic information that assists us in identifying visitor preferences.

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As is true of most website, the Starodub website collects certain information automatically and store it in log files. The information may include internet protocol (IP) addresses, the regional or general location where your computer or device is accessing the internet, browser type, operating system and other information about the use of the Website, including a history of the pages you view. This information will help us design our site to better suit your needs. We may also use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our website, analyze trends, track visitor movements, and gather broad demographic information to assists us in identifying visitor preferences. The Website also uses cookies and web beacons which do not track users when they cross to third-party website and do not provide targeted advertising to them, and therefore do not respond to Do Not Track (DNT) signals.

Starodub has a legitimate interest in understanding how members and (potential) customers use the Website. This assists us with providing more relevant information on our products and services, with communicating value to our sponsors and corporate members, and providing appropriate staffing to meet member and customer needs.

Collection and use of personal data

Starodub collects personal information about its customers, business relations, employees, social media followers, website visitors and physical visitors to our local sites and events. We use this data to provide required information to you, our customer contacts, as well as other parties related to our business activities.

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Starodub collects personal information about its (potential) customers, business relations, candidates and employees, social media followers, website visitors, physical visitors on our head quarter and visitors of our event(s).  
We use this information to provide the required information to requester, as well as other parties related to our goods and services.

Starodub does never sell any personal information to anyone and only might share it with third parties who are facilitating the delivery of Starodub services.

Request for contact or information
If you are curious about what Starodub could do for you, please contact Starodub by telephone or via the online contact form on our website.

Online contact form 
If you request Starodub to provide you with information, make contact or schedule an appointment, you will need to provide at least the following personal data via the online contact form in order to receive our answer:

  • Company
  • First and last name
  • Email address

Depending on your request or question, you may also be asked to provide the following personal data:

  • Role
  • Telephone number (if you expect us to give you a call)

Physical visitors of our office
In order to provide a secure place to work, authorized staff is granted access to the Starodub buildings in Nuland. Our customer reception process includes stringent access control to enable visitors an interesting customer journey and feel safe at the same time. It helps Starodub to guarantee her employees and visitors safety at work and enables public services to act adequately in case of emergency.  
We see three relevant data flows that may contain a different combination of your personal data: 

  1. Employees & Contractors
  2. Regular Visitors/suppliers
  3. Guests

Data involved are: your name, your company, and signature.

Visitor Registration Process 
To make sure visitors built up a positive experience visiting our premises, they are properly registered to grant them access during one day. Optionally, we may also register extra services on demand. In combination with regular data like the name and company name of our visitors, we could for example register food preferences in case our guest is invited for lunch or dinner. That is how we know which visitors to expect and provide them a safe and pleasant stay to optimize their visitor journey. 

Transfer of personal data to outside of the EU 

Starodub has one office, it is located in The Netherlands. The information that we collect from you will be processed within the European Union. When in future, this may also take place in the countries outside of the European Union where we have local Starodub customers, we will inform you upfront and we will adjust this Privacy Notice.

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Starodub has its headquarters in The Netherlands. Information we collect from you will be processed within the European Union.

We do not transfer the personal data we collect about you outside the EEA.

Data subject rights

You are entitled to inquire after the personal information Starodub holds in relation to you. You can ask for correction and you can also object – free of charge –  to the use of your personal data, as far as is reasonably proportionate. We are obligated to provide you with your personal information we hold. As per the GDPR requirements, we will delete your personal data on your request.

Perusal and correction of your data

You are entitled to peruse the personal information that Starodub holds in relation to you. If the information is incorrect, you may request Starodub to correct it. Such requests for perusal or correction of your data can be addressed to our Data Privacy Office, accompanied by a copy of a valid form of identification.

Right to object

You can object free of charge to the use of your personal data, as far as is reasonably proportionate. Your objection can be sent by email or in writing to Starodub at the address below. You will receive a written response from Starodub within 30 days.

If you object to the use of your data for direct marketing purposes, Starodub shall immediately cease to use your data for these purposes.

Security of your information

To help protect the privacy of data and personally identifiable information that you transmit through the use of this site, Starodub always maintains a security level that is adequate – in view of the latest technical developments – to prevent unauthorized access to, adaptation, disclosure or loss of personal data.

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To protect the privacy of data and the personally identifiable information that you transmit through the use of the Website, Starodub always maintains a security level that is adequate, in view of the latest technical developments, to prevent unauthorized access to, adaptation, disclosure or loss of personal data. We maintain physical, technical and administrative safeguards. We update and test our security technology on an ongoing basis. We restrict access to your personal data to those employees who need to know that information to provide benefits or services to you. During the onboarding process our employees sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). In addition, we train our employees about the importance of confidentiality and maintaining the privacy and security of your information. We commit to taking appropriate disciplinary measures to enforce our employees’ privacy responsibilities.

The security of your personal data is also based on keeping the login details of your account (username and password) confidential. Never share your login details with anyone else and always take care when using them.

Data storage and retention

Your personal data is stored by Starodub on its servers and on the servers used by the cloud-based database management services Starodub engages. These third parties do not use or have access to your personal information for any other purpose than for maintenance on our acquired services like cloud storage and retrieval.

Storage of data

Your personal data is stored by Starodub on its servers and on the servers of the cloud-based database management services Starodub engages. These third parties do not use or have access to your personal information for any purpose other than cloud storage and retrieval. Starodub will not engage third parties to mail information to you.

Retention period

Starodub retains data for the duration of the customers’ or others business relationship with Starodub and for a period thereafter to allow you to recover accounts if you decide to renew, to analyze the data for our own operations, and for historical and archiving purposes associated with our history as a business partner. Starodub will not retain your data longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it was processed, unless the data must be retained longer in order to comply with legal obligations (such as the fiscal obligation to store data for seven years). The length of time for which data is retained depends on the nature of the data and the purposes for which it was processed. The retention period can thus differ for each purpose.

For more information on where and how long your personal data is stored, and for more information on your rights of erasure and portability, please email to: [email protected]

Workforce Privacy Notice

Of course, when you are currently working for Starodub, you will have more specific questions to your role as employee or contractor.  The Workforce Privacy Notice of Starodub will give you more answers related data privacy questions. It is available in to all employees in company systems. In case you have any questions in relation to work privacy notice, please address them to your manager or send an e-mail to: [email protected].

Job Applicants

When an interesting vacancy appears on our website, you will have more specific questions to support your decision to come and work with us. During the application process we both will exchange several answers, possibly including personal data. In this chapter we want to inform you with regard to how we handle your personal data.

Application process

Job Applicants, who respond to adds or spontaneously apply for a vacancy, will be invited to send us their application letter and profile amongst other relevant background information (analytical data reports etc.). We will store this information for no longer than 4 weeks after we have completed a selection and did appoint a candidate to the vacancy.

On occasion, a job candidate might seem to be very interesting for Starodub to consider him or her for another role now or in future. Only when Starodub has written consent [GvR1] of the job candidate in which he or she agreed Starodub may store the candidate’s profile for the maximum period of one year for such purpose, we are entitled to store it longer than the 4 weeks mentioned above.

Privacy Statement of third parties

This Privacy Statement does not apply to third-party website that are associated with our website by means of links. Starodub does not accept any responsibility or liability regarding how these third parties deal with your personal data. Starodub therefore recommends that you always familiarize yourself with the privacy policy on the website concerned.

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This Privacy Statement does not apply to third-party website that are associated with the Website by means of links. Starodub does not accept any responsibility or liability regarding how these third parties deal with your personal data. Starodub therefore recommends that you always familiarize yourself with the privacy policy on the website concerned.

Starodub will not provide your personal data to third parties, unless:

  • You have given express consent for this purpose
  • It is necessary for the performance of an agreement concluded with Starodub
  • It is compulsory or permitted by law
  • It is necessary for preventing or combating fraud

Data protection officer

Though Starodub is not obligated to appoint a Data Protection Officer from the essence of her key activities, we recognize data privacy as a key element in our industry. Therefore you can send your Data Privacy related questions to [email protected].

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If you have any questions about any matter relating to data protection or the personal data that we process about you, please contact us at [email protected] 
Starodub BV, Industriestraat 14, 5391 BR Nuland, The Netherlands. 
Telephone: + 31 (0)73 20 350 10  

You can also use either contact method for any questions related to your rights.

Changes and updates to the Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to amend the Privacy Statement and Conditions of Use at any time, for any reason, without prior notice to you, other than the posting of the amended Privacy Statement and Conditions of Use on our Website.

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As our organisation, membership and benefits change from time to time, this Privacy Statement and Conditions of Use are expected to change as well. We reserve the right to amend the Privacy Statement and Conditions of Use at any time, for any reason, without notice to you, other than the posting of the amended Privacy Statement and Conditions of Use on the Website. We may email periodic reminders of our notices, and terms and conditions, and will email you of material changes thereto. However, you should check the Website frequently to see the current Privacy Statement and Conditions of Use that are in effect and any changes that may have been made.

Valentyna Starodub
Founder and Chief Executive Officer

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