Explore Starodub latest updates

Translating research findings into medicinal products

The need for good product information

MDR amendment – new opportunities for medical device manufacturers

EU and US Parallel Scientific Advice

Meet Starodub’s bio team

Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day 

EMA scientific advice for medical devices

Bioanalytical Method Validation

Facilitating Decentralised Clinical Trials in the EU

Gene Therapy Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls

Early patient access to new medicines

The importance of a readable patient leaflet for the faith in medicines

Simultaneous national scientific advice

December 1st, World Aids Day

Establishing benefit/risk ratio for medical devices

World Diabetes Day (WDD)

Meet STARoDub at the World Orphan Drug Congress 2022 in Sitges (Barcelona)!

Compassionate use program

Valentyna Starodub
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Valentyna Starodub

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