Meet STARoDub at the World Orphan Drug Congress 2022 in Sitges (Barcelona)!

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From 14 to 17 November, the 13th edition of the World Orphan Drug Congress will take place in the Melia Sitges Hotel in Sitges, nearby Barcelona. This event is to be considered as “the largest and most established orphan drugs & rare diseases meeting of its kind across the globe”.
The four-day event will cover many topics, varying from Epidemiology & Forecasting to Gene Therapy Development to Orphan Drugs Policy to Manufacture.
Experts from the whole value chain will be present during the Congress which offers a great opportunity to discuss and expand your knowledge.
Starodub will also be represented at this event. Please feel free to reach out to us during the event to see how we can support you and your business in relation to orphan drugs and rare diseases or to any other issues you are facing. 
You can also just leave a comment on our LinkedIn page  that you will be attending the World Orphan Drug Congress and we can meet for a drink.
See you on one of the days of 17 – 24 November in Melia Sitges Hotel!

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Valentyna Starodub
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Valentyna Starodub

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