Starodub training services

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Current regulatory environment for medicinal products and medical devices is changing fast. It is highly demanding and even challenging, therefore manufacturers are required to invest in continuous learning of personnel. Moreover, continuous staff training becomes the rule rather than the choice of manufacturers. It is not surprising, because highly qualified personnel help the manufacturers to achieve their goals with less investment of time and money.
Starodub BV is a team of experts specialised in regulatory affairs and quality, covering a wide range of services for most types of products, including:

small molecules, biologics, biotechnology derived products, and vaccines;
medical devices, including software and in vitro diagnostic medical devices;
combination products.

One of the services provided by Starodub BV is trainings. Based on the sufficient experience and expertise, experts of our team are ready to provide you with general and customized trainings on topics, related to any part of a product lifecycle, including development, non-clinical studies, clinical investigations, manufacturing, marketing authorization or certification, and post marketing activities.
The advantage of Starodub BV is the possibility to customize trainings to your exact needs, so that you, as our customer get the maximum benefit from our cooperation.
Are you interested in providing training for your staff? Please feel free to contact us via Contact form.

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Valentyna Starodub
Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Valentyna Starodub

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